Mix lettuce خس منوع

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Mix lettuce خس منوع




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Description :

Misticanza di Lattughe is a seed mixture of red and green, curly and smooth lettuce varieties. The different types of lettuce not only add more flavor but also more color and variety to your salads.

  • colorful salads
  • variation in taste
  • easy lettuce mix
  • Cut the lettuce regularly, so you can harvest longer and enjoy it more.

خليط من الخس في مغلف واحد أنواع مختلفة في الشكل و اللون و الطعم. انواع سهلة الزراعة في الارض او الاحواض . صفقة رائعة للمزارعين

Additional Information :
Weight 0.02 kg


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